Drinking is still a problem. Somehow the coordination between sucking, swallowing and breathing seems to be more difficult for him right now. We still hope it's temporary, caused by the virus the discovered, last time we went to the hospital.
All of a sudden Kalle is getting teeth everywhere. He started with one front tooth (upper jaw), followed by two (!) molars (lower and upper jaw). Now the other front tooth in his upper jaw is definately present PLUS one front tooth in Kalle's lower jaw.That's five teeth within 5-6 weeks. That might explain some of the crying....
Kalle finally got his new stroller. Today a friend of Jan (who is studying for occupational therapist) helped us to adjust all parts of the stroller so every part fits Kalle's body perfectly. When it stops raining we'll take a nice walk!
The stroller came with two adapters for a baby car seat so we can talk walks with two kids shortly :-)
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